Verseless & Sonic

She who bends the dark to her every whim...

Verseless is the main one you'll see on the timeline.

Frequent Verses

- Fire Emblem
More specifically, the worlds of Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses.
- Pokémon
- Frieren
- Soul Eater
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Kingdom Hearts
She's beginning to explore this one.


Sleight of Hand
Shaetima's hands are light and quick, not much to it.
Due to the previously mentioned ability, Shaetima is an excellent pickpocket, often stealing something from her target in one interaction. They won't usually notice until it's far too late.
She's light on her feet, despite usually wearing boots. Quite useful for sneaking around.
Noxkinesis & Typhokinesis
The ability to manipulate both the shadows and smoke.
Click here for more details.
Miscellaneous Magic
In ages long past, Shaetima was a practicing mage. She holds a vast wealth of magical knowledge. Most, if not all of her magical spells are kept within her book. At one point in time, she wielded a staff to channel her magic, but as she became more adept in the field, she discarded its use.
Time Travel
An ability that is a well-kept secret. Shaetima holds the ability to travel through not only time, but throughout the different timelines, effectively allowing her to traverse the multiverse. There are no records of Shaetima's use of the ability...

Smoke and Shadows

Her main "magical" gimmicks.

General Synergy
Shaetima's shadowy constructs emit smoke when destroyed, or she can cause the shadows to emit smoke, which she can then manipulate for use in her smoke-based abilities.
The ability to manipulate the dark and shadows to her will from any source that casts a shadow. At nighttime or in naturally dark places, she holds an immense advantage.
Umbral Warp
Shaetima can sink into one shadow and reappear in another within line of sight from the first shadow. When reappearing, the dark seems to drip off of her person, and upon making contact with a surface not in the dark, those drops evaporate into a black mist.
She can also choose to remain in the dark to hide in plain sight.
Shade Armory
Physically manipulating the dark, Shaetima can use it to create copies of most weapons, save for those that require energy to function. Often, she will mimic the opponent's weapon and proceed to use it against them. It doesn't mean she's adept with that weapon, though.
A general-purpose dodge, Shaetima can sidestep attacks and leave behind a clone made of the dark. While it doesn't physically do anything other than take the brunt of an attack, once an attack does collide with it, it becomes a black cloud of smoke, which she can in turn manipulate. When an attack collides with it, it doesn't stop the attack; a sword swipe would continue through it as if nothing was there in the first place.
General Weaknesses
Light generally forces Shae out of any shadows she's hiding in, effectively stunning and dazing her. Something like a flashbang would shatter her weapons created via the Shade Armory.
A subset of Aerokinesis, Shaetima can manipulate and generate smoke/fog, which she can manipulate to a fine point where it causes issues for some people to breathe, while others are fine. She can passively emit smoke/fog from her being.
Smoke Dash
Evaporating into a fine mist, Shaetima can dash forwards a short distance and re-emerge from it, often used as a way to dodge attacks. She can use this to travel through vents, but generally prefers not to.
From her hand, Shaetima can conjure condensed smoke and launch it at an enemy. Light in damage, it's mainly used to force defensive options in order to retreat or advance. A direct headshot would cause issues for someone breathing, causing them to sputter and gasp for air.
A small variation of this technique, Smokescreen, Shae can emit an explosive burst of fog from her person that enshrouds the entire area, obscuring vision.
Aero Drain
The only technique purely related to air that she's adept in, Shaetima can force the air to blow in her direction for a very small amount of time. It's more or less useless until she focuses it in on a target, where she yanks the air from their lungs, causing the target to become immediately winded and paralyzed as they attempt to breathe again.
General Weaknesses
Anything air-based could clear out her smoke and drastically reduce the effective range of her Smokeshots. Windy days, of course, would cause her smoke to blow away, but they could also cause her Smokeshots to move faster, should she be firing with the wind.
Aero Drain doesn't exactly work if the target actively has no air in their lungs for her to pull out. Timing one's breathing just makes it entirely useless.


The shadowy woman who runs the guild Nightfall. Befitting of the guild's name, she bends the darkness to her will. Shaetima is a thief and mercenary who has nearly no qualms taking on any jobs that pay out handsomely. She's obsessed with both magic and money, and will take either or as she pleases. Though her attitude is carefree and playful, there seems to be a hidden sadness in her eyes.


A multiversal guild of thieves and mercenaries, sought out for the wealth of information they hold.

Nightfall began as a guild that searched for and gathered a vast wealth of information within Fodlan, used for the sake of saving the leader's beloved of the curse of carrying two Crests. But try as the guild might, the leader's beloved wasn't saved in time. By the time they had found a cure, she had passed away. With the ability they now held, the guild's leader set out across the land to use his knowledge and save those tampered with by Those Who Slither in the Dark. Upon his passing, he entrusted the guild to Shaetima.Continuing the main goal of gathering information - and through unknown means - the guild expanded into the Multiverse in order to obtain an unlimited amount of information, their members infiltrating the orders of prestigious foundations, kingdoms, governments, etc.. Eventually, the guild took up mercenary work as a way to make more funds and expand their reach further...Nowadays, Nightfall is spoken of through whispers, with only a few people outside of their ranks truly knowing of its existence. And for those who hear the rumors and are willing to attempt contact with them in the pursuit of information, mercenary work, or even numbers to prop up an army... they may be willing to entertain your request if you can find them, and for the right price.

Temporal Dusk

A title befitting of one who lurks in the shadows of time.

It also acts as the phrase needed to gain an audience with Shaetima for requesting Nightfall's service.Truly, Shaetima is a deity who was banished from her world for seeking and obtaining powers above that which she was born with. Technically as old as time, her true age is unknown, as she is a time traveler. Due to the circumstances of her banishment, she can not only travel through time, but through the different timelines, effectively giving her access to the multiverse. She acts as a watcher and protector of the infinite timelines, interfering with those who would twist time into an image of their liking.It is said that there is a shrine in the forests of Johto that is dedicated to this deity, who is the protector of time itself. Should time be endangered, she is to set it right.


For the efforts made during wartime.

Holiday Outfits

Just outfits for various holidays, nothing crazy.


With some convincing, she might go to the beach.


She hates fancy events, but she's prepared to attend.


The newest set of threads with an emphasis on thievery and style.

Older Outfits

Clothing worn in the past, retired for better threads.


Hey, looks like you've found one of the hidden pages for this Shae! This is where I keep all the suggestive and explicitly lewd art I've comm'd for Shae.
This page is your warning for that content, the "next page" button will show you what I've got of her so far.

Welp, here're the goods.



Sonic's shadowy successor from the future, a vessel for the dark.

Written over at @Shaetima_SV


Her significant others! Each one is in a different verse, obviously.

> @DashingInBlue
> @TeenageHedgie


Bits of information about her personality and stuff!

- Shaetima is naturally talented at formulating plans on the fly in combat. She also excels in stealth-based missions given her shadowy abilities.- Similarly to Sonic, she starts her run with her arms moving back and forth and transitions into letting them flow freely behind her. In combat though, she'll continue to move them back and forth.- Because she manipulates darkness, she naturally has the passive ability to see in the dark. When actively using it, her eyes softly glow the pink that they are.- Classic's shadows have a dark blue glow while Modern's has a purple glow. It's shown off in the Aesthetics tab on the main Sonic menu. Check out the "Venture" or "Classic" sections there.- She takes around three naps a day at least.- While she doesn't need to eat very often, she needs to sleep for her body to physically rejuvenate herself. Just because she's full of energy doesn't mean her body's ready for it! But she most definitely... sleeps more than she actually needs to.- While Metal Sonic's obviously her favorite Badnik, she's also a big fan of the other robotic versions of Sonic, too! Maybe she's just got a thing for robotic doppelgangers or robots in general? The small Silver Sonic models are her second favorite. They're SUPER cute.- Shaetima is scared of the dark if it's already present in a location she's visiting. To clarify, I mean places like abandoned mines or haunted houses. Those kinds of dark places. Ironic, huh?


Sleight of Hand
Shaetima's hands are light and quick. Not much to it, really!
Combined with what was previously mentioned, Shaetima's a skilled pickpocket. You wouldn't even know she's taken something from your person until it's far too late.
She's light on her feet, despite usually wearing boots. Works quite well for sneaking around!
Shaetima possesses the ability to physically manipulate shadows. She can create all sorts of objects, but cannot create working ranged weaponry.
Shadow Puppet
As strange as it is, she can manipulate the shadows of others and the environment near her, but not her own. At least, not in the way she usually does. Her shadow can be manipulated into that of a puppet that bears some resemblance to herself. It's essentially another pair of hands for her to use!
Umbral Warp
Shaetima has the ability to step in one shadow and step out of another, effectively teleporting. However, this is limited to the shadows she can see from the one she enters. At nighttime or in dark areas, this effectively becomes near-infinite in range.
With this in mind, she technically becomes the fastest thing alive in her time. Provided there's... darkness.
Dark Descent
By expelling the shadows she controls forcefully, Shaetima can run as fast as Sonic was seen to all those years ago. It's something that takes a large toll on her, and she doesn't like to move in that manner very often, considering her ability to warp between shadows.
Time Travel
As the Guardian of the Time Stones - at least, the collection she has from her original timeline - Shaetima can travel through time to a certain extent. She can only time travel five years back or forth at a maximum, and due to the damaged nature of her Time Stones, whenever she "returns," it returns her to the point that she had originally left.
There are very rare instances of Chronal Anomalies with her Time Stones that often result in her younger self being brought to the present. It's thought that this is due to the nature of being tied to Stones as their Guardian, but she is generally unsure as to why this happens.
[-] [-] [-]Blackout
Overuse of physically manipulating shadows can backfire on Shaetima, and she can become consumed by them. In this state, she becomes consumed by a primal rage.
This is Shaetima's Super Form. She has all the benefits of Super Sonic, plus the ability to manifest her shadowy constructs at will, seemingly spawning the darkness from nowhere.


Primarily in the IDW/Games timeline.
Be that as it may, she is still able to fit into Archie continuity.

100 years in the future, more of Mobius is modernized with an emphasis on ensuring that nature isn't trampled upon, where cities exist alongside the environment, rather than running over it. Little Planet's been colonized and continues to make its' yearly trip to Never Lake, a bridge between Mobius and the Sol was created and unifies the two dimensions, enriching the people and culture of both worlds. At this point, Eggman Nega - from 200 years in the future and armed with technology to travel through time - travels to this current time in an effort to control it and by extension, his future.Shaetima Desolorn is the lax Guardian of the Time Stones from Stardust Speedway, a responsibility passed onto her by her parents. She finds the job to be extremely boring, and she decided to take up a new hobby: traversing all three worlds (Little Planet, Mobius and Sol) in search of new thrills. She explores them to see what life has to offer, her heart bleeding for adventure. During these adventures, she comes into contact with Eggman Nega and accidentally intercepts his plans for world domination. Inspired by legends from the past detailing the exploits of a blue hero, Shaetima becomes this time's shadowy heroine, putting a stop to Eggman Nega's plans time and time again. Their rivalry would continue for years before Nega formulates a plan to rid himself of the pesky feline.Utilizing the same machine that trapped Super Sonic in Unleashed, Eggman Nega modifies it to affect the Time Stones, rather than the Chaos Emeralds. With his own time-manipulating technology, Eggman Nega siphons energy from the Time Stones and using that power, banishes Shaetima to the far past. This would cause her time to be unprotected, were it not for Silver the Hedgehog's meddling with Nega's plans with the use of his own time-traveling techniques.

= = = = = = = = = = =

In the past (arriving just after the events of Sonic Rush), Shaetima finds herself stuck in Sol, unable to return home with her own Time Stones. Weakened from their tampering, their time-traveling capabilities have been severely degraded, and Shaetima must relearn how to use them. While stuck in Sol, she strikes a job as Blaze the Cat's personal assistant and advisor after a chance meeting has Shaetima showcase her smarts and ingenuity to Blaze. Shaetima's lax nature would prove a little irritating to Blaze, however, as Shaetima often shirked work until the last minute. It's at least offset by her ability to speed through it all with precision and efficiency.When she isn't working, she speeds around Mobius and Sol, continuing to act as the shadowy heroine she's become known as in the future. Dealing with Eggman and his Badnik Horde, common thugs, no job's too small for the shadowy feline! But while being lost in the past seems to have been a fluke by Nega, Shaetima would find that her arrival in this time was prophesized by an underground cult, hellbent on resurrecting a dark deity that slumbers in the earth with the use of a vessel to house its spirit... Her powers seem to be somewhat more powerful in this era, but she doesn't know why. Is it a side effect of the time travel, or is there something more at play?


An outfit given to her by Blaze for her birthday. She's always wearing it.


With another Grand Prix on the horizon, the shadowy feline's in it to win it!


A lightweight outfit built from Tactician as a base, meant for exploration.


Her first Modern outfit, usually worn when working at the castle.


A mischievous cat who uses her cuteness to her advantage.
Her Classic voice claim is Carol Tea from Freedom Planet.

Holiday Outfits


An overflow of shadows bound by a near-primal rage.


Uncontrolled darkness tamed by the power of Chaos.


She despises formal events.


Here's her modern voice claim, which is Corazon Tea from Freedom Planet 2. Here's another example. After the boss fight is a few more lines.

You may need to scroll to see everything.


Sources to all of the artists that I've commissioned.

Massive thanks to Vida for coming up with the original design of Shaetima. She's the one who brought her to life for the very first time. She's a very good friend of mine and this is just one thing that I will always treasure from her. Thank you so much.Note: These are links to the artists I've commissioned for my OC. Art sources used for the other characters I muse can be found by clicking on the image itself.> Grimmels> Adricarra> slurpn00dles> John Caden> LlamasArePink> SakuraEgg> Qiqi> Angie> Wanderstill> Farhe> FoxieSkullzArtz> LameLev> Cheese> Miyagiie> Ester> Stario> FrazzyBear> Nem> ScruffyTurtles> Eva Viedma> Starleons> Novika> Mist> LouLubally> 호비> Gigi D> Randium> Kura> FraudulentTaco> LightBell> YaseiPaisley> Rukisan HD